Is-Servizz taċ-Ċelebranti
For the meaningful tailor-made ceremony you deserve
The Celebration of Life
Throughout human history, we find evidence of rituals that date back thousands of years. Through these, humans have celebrated life during particular moments of the year. Even today, we continue to celebrate the special moments in life, in various ways that reflect our values, perspectives, and personal emotions.
Explore Humanist Ceremonies
Humanistic celebrations are a beautiful and meaningful way to celebrate these important moments in our lives, such as when a baby is adopted or born, when we join someone in marriage, or even when we celebrate achievements and other personal milestones. These ceremonies are not just formalities; rather, they are ways to live and celebrate the life we have.
Click the sections below to discover different Humanist ceremonies or scroll further for the practicalities of booking a celebration.
Naming Ceremonies
Naming ceremonies (baby naming) are a beautiful way to celebrate the birth or adoption of a baby, where the family embraces this new beginning, chooses the baby’s name, and shares their wishes for the baby’s future in a space filled with joy and respect.
We believe that every baby who enters the world is unique and deserves to be welcomed in a special way, reflecting the values of the parents and the community in which they will grow up. Therefore, every baby naming ceremony is custom-designed to reflect what is important to those participating, including their hopes and wishes for the new baby.
Weddings and vow renewals
Humanist weddings and vow renewals are a way for couples of any gender to celebrate their love with a ceremony that is truly theirs, without any strict rules limiting what they should say or do. We believe that marriage should be about love and commitment between the couple, and thus humanist ceremonies offer complete freedom for each couple to shape their ceremony according to their hearts and desires.
In a humanist wedding or vow renewal, there is no set form or wording you must follow. Instead, it is a ceremony based on the couple’s own story and values. This way, the wedding becomes a personal moment, where we can delve into what marriage means for the couple, their relationship, and the journey they have gone through together. There is total freedom to include rituals, words, and symbolism that truly reflect who they are.
Humanist Funerals
Humanist funerals are not just traditional ceremonies of mourning, but rather celebrations of a unique life that was lived. These ceremonies focus on the person’s story, achievements, relationships, and characteristics, and are specially designed to reflect the individual’s character and values. There are no rites or sermons; instead, there are moments of reflection, music, and stories that tell who this person was and what made their life special.
We believe that every funeral should be a celebration of life, where the emphasis is on love, joy, and the beautiful memories this person left behind. Humanist funerals are moments to cherish the gift of that life, to offer a final farewell in a way that truly reflects who they were and what was important to them.
Your Moment, Your Meaning
At the heart of humanist celebrations is the idea that life should be remembered and celebrated in a way that truly reflects us. You have the right to make your special moments however you want, to place emphasis on what truly matters to you and your loved ones.
For us, the celebration of life is about being present, expressing true emotions, and trusting individuals to decide how they want to be remembered and celebrated.
Let us continue celebrating the beautiful moments of life in a personal, authentic way, without limitations or fears, because the most important thing is that every ceremony is true to those who are living it.
Jekk Qed Tippjanaw li Tiżżewġu…
Nifirħulkom talli ddeċidejtu li tiżżewġu jew iġġeddu l-wegħdiet taż-żwieġ, u grazzi talli urejtu interess fis-servizzi taċ-ċelebranti tagħna. Jekk tkunu interessati f’tieġ umanist jew f’ċeremonja umanista ta’ tiġdid tal-wegħdiet taż-żwieġ, l-ewwel pass ikun li tagħżlu ċelebrant mil-lista t’hawn taħt.
Ikkuntattjawh direttament biex taraw jekk iċ-ċelebrant ikunx disponibbli. Malli ċ-ċelebrant jikkonferma li jkun disponibbli fid-data li tagħżlu, ikun hemm bżonn ta’ depożitu ta’ 50% fuq is-somma totali biex iċ-ċelebrant iżomm id-data.
Qabel it-tieġ, il-koppja jkollha laqgħa informali maċ-ċelebrant li tagħżel biex iċ-ċelebrant isir jaf il-koppja u jagħmlilha xi mistoqsijiet bl-għan li jkun jista’ jikteb iċ-ċeremonja. Iċ-ċelebrant jistaqsi lill-koppja dwar x’tixtieq li jkun inkluż fiċ-ċeremonja b’tali mod li din tkun imfassla għall-gosti tagħha. Imbagħad, ladarba tinkiteb iċ-ċeremonja, il-koppja tkun libera li tbiddel fiha kemm trid sakemm jidhrilha li ċ-ċeremonja tkun miktuba eżatt kif tixtieq. Meta tikkonferma, iċ-ċelebrant imexxi ċ-ċeremonja.
All our celebrants charge the same pricing. For bookings made till end of 2025, is-somma hi ta’ EUR350 għal ċeremonji li jsiru Malta, u EUR450 għal ċeremonji li jsiru Għawdex jew Kemmuna. Dan il-prezz jinkludi kollox u jkopri l-ewwel laqgħa bejn il-koppja u ċ-ċelebrant, il-kitba taċ-ċeremonja, b’kemm-il bidla jkun hemm bżonn, it-tmexxija taċ-ċeremonja fil-jum propju, u l-ispejjeż tat-trasport taċ-ċelebrant lejn u mill-post tat-tieġ.

Noffru Wkoll

Servizzi Funerarji
Jekk qed tippjana l-funeral tiegħek stess minn qabel jew funeral mhux mistenni ta’ xi ħadd għażiż għalik, iċ-ċelebranti tagħna jkunu hemm għalik mill-bidu sal-aħħar biex jaraw li l-kommemorazzjoni tiegħek tkun waħda li tassew iġġib il-qima li jistħoqqilha l-persuna onorata. Funeral personalizzat jaċċerta li l-persuna tiġi onorata hekk kif tassew għexet ħajjitha.
For funerals booked till end of 2025, our celebrants charge Eur300 in Malta, or Eur350 in Gozo or Comino.

Servizzi ta' Merħba għal Tarbija
Iċ-ċelebrazzjoni tal-wasla ta’ tarbija f’ċeremonja umanista ta’ merħba hi mod sabiħ ħafna kif tlaqqa’ l-ħbieb u l-familja mat-tarbija... uża ċ-ċeremonja biex tħabbar il-guideparents tat-tarbija, jew biex tgħaddi l-wirt tal-familja lill-ulied.
Baby Welcoming Ceremonies booked till end of 2025 are offered at Eur350 for ones done in Malta, or Eur450 for ones held in Gozo or Comino.

Bespoke Ceremonies
Ultimately, Humanist ceremonies are all about celebrating life events which are meaningful to the persons involved. So if you wish to celebrate a milestone in your life or a loved one’s, get in touch with us and we’ll be sure to deliver a memorable bespoke ceremony.
Contact one of our celebrants for a quote on a bespoke ceremony.
What if you can't afford a Humanist ceremony?
If you wish to have a Humanist ceremony but money is a problem, please get do get in touch with us and we’ll do our best to help out.
Humanists Malta members get €25 off quoted prices
Clients who are/become members of Humanists Malta, get a €25 discount!
Clients who become members get 50% off membership fee
If you become a member of Humanists Malta when you book your ceremony, we give you a 50% discount on your membership fee + €25 discount on ceremony price.
Marcette Busuttil
She is passionate about books, music, travel, art, theatre, film, food & wine, trekking, to mention a few things (must mention her cat!). Always up for new experiences – she has sky and scuba dived and being a lover of fancy dress parties and fantasy creatures, has even been a mermaid! Her favourite quotes: “Always be true to yourself”. “Twenty years form now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by those you did. Explore. Dream. Discover.”and “We don’t stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.”
Marcette conducts weddings, funerals, baby naming ceremonies, inaugurations and other humanist ceremonies in both Maltese and English.

Mobile: +356 7942 4518

Mobile: +356 7969 1051
Marie Clare Church
She is also a great lover of food – choosing noodles and pizza as her go-to favourites anytime of day!
Being an ex-boxer, she is also a boxing coach and avid obstacle course athlete. She is also a fan of music and tattoos – having quite the canvas herself.
What attracted her to humanism is that ceremonies are personal and people oriented – moreover she believes that our way of life should be based on values, rationality and knowledge.

Mobile: +356 9988 1266
Gail Debono
Senior Celebrant and Humanist Celebrants Malta Coordinator
Gail is a forensic psychologist, a lover of books, languages, and cultures and hopes to pass this on to her daughter who is the focus of her life.
In her spare time, when not at a Foo Fighters concert, Gail may be spotted by the sea or under it, on a scuba dive or two, at the shooting range, or watching a good game of rugby.
She has lived in over 5 countries apart from her beloved Malta where she plans to stay. Gail was inspired to become a Humanist Celebrant by the fact that she couldn’t have a Humanist Baby Naming Ceremony for her daughter because there were no trained celebrants in Malta at the time.
Through becoming a celebrant she hopes to give the opportunity to everybody who wants to commemorate an occasion without religion.
Gail conducts weddings, funerals, baby naming ceremonies, inaugurations and other humanist ceremonies in both Maltese and English, and is a proud member of the internationally-acclaimed Celebrant Directory.
Anna Ellul
An ex-dental nurse, with a love for socializing, Anna gives back to society by volunteering at an animal sanctuary. One of her hobbies is rambling through the European country side as nature plays an important part in her life.
Anna became a celebrant because she believes that people deserve the opportunity to celebrate life’s important milestones in their own way without the need for religion. She is proud to be part of the Malta Humanist Association and would like to invite you to reach out to discuss how we can make your occasion a special one.

Mobile: +356 7994 8696

Mobile: +356 7925 8151
Raelene Galea
Raelene is the Head of the Acquisitions department at the University of Malta Library. With an academic background in management, librarianship, and teaching, she’s fond of books and research, and loves nothing more than to relax with a good read and the crackling of bonfires during a weekend of camping.
A lover of tea and nature, her good friend the hammock is accustomed to embracing her in a peaceful calm while she sips her hot drink or glass of wine, reads her books and licks up the sun. Chocolate, travelling, crafts and plants are also favourites in her dictionary.
She has decided to become a Humanist celebrant as she feels that people should commemorate life’s important milestones through meaningful and personal ceremonies; irrespective of their religious beliefs, culture and/or sexual orientation. To her, the opportunity of being part of such ceremonies is one of the most rewarding aspects of being a humanist celebrant.
Silvana Maimone
Silvana is an actor, singer, writer and theatre maker, with many strings to her bow. Born in Siracusa, Sicily, her family moved to Australia when she was 6 years old, sailing from Messina to Port Melbourne, in a journey that took just over a month.
Silvana began performing semi-professionally at St Martins Youth Arts Centre, where she started her formal training. She went on to become the Youth Company Co-ordinator there, essentially the right hand of the Artistic Director. She held and developed this position for over 6 years along side continuing her performance career and being lead singer for a number of Melbourne bands.
Moving to London to further her training, Silvana remained and worked there for more than 25 years, and has had the great privilege of working with some of the best contemporary theatre professionals, as well as performance and film makers.
Silvana truly believes in the power of the Arts to communicate, unite and create significant and lasting moments in people’s lives. She has used skills developed and honed through out her performance career to also run workshops with young people, business professionals, refugees and women’s groups as well as dementia patients and their carers.
Being a Celebrant seemed a natural progression. She is an accredited Independent Celebrant with the Academy of Modern Celebrancy, for both Weddings and Namings, and is about to start her Funeral Celebrant training. Silvana is thrilled to be part of Humanist Malta Association and support their invaluable work in giving people choice and freedom of expression in their lives.

Mobile: +44 7957 21 9874
Reuben Zammit
Reuben has kept himself busy as a volunteer in civil society and human rights activism ever since finishing his studies in 20th C Literature and Critical Theory. He also lectures English and Critical Thinking at the Malta College of Arts, Science & Technology, hating the paperwork but enjoying all the time he gets to spend having meaningful conversations with young curious minds.
His favourite hobbies include reading historically banned literature and arguing for gender-neutral bathrooms.
Reuben’s main motivation as a celebrant is to provide a meaningful experience for non-religious people as he believes everyone has the right to celebrate their milestones without compromising their personal values. He is also happy to advise and help you choose any number of readings from canonical literature dating as far back as Chaucer to help celebrate your special occasion.
Available for weddings, unions, funerals, memorial services, baby-namings, and other significant life events in English, Maltese, or Italian. All he asks for is a simple lectern and not to be baked under the hot sun.

Mobile: +356 7909 1379
Code of Conduct
To ensure professional and high quality service, our celebrants abide by a code of conduct.