About Us
Making the World a Better Place For All of Us
Our Team

Christian Colombo

James Buhagiar
Vice Chairperson and Projects/Exchanges Coordinator

Joanna Onions
Campaigns Researcher

Jacqueline Chircop

Mirane Vella
Secretary and PR Coordinator

Gail Debono
Celebrants Coordinator

Edward Gatt

Raelene Galea
Celebrants subcommittee member

Soroush Hoseini
Multiculturalism and Diversity

Alison Vella
Social Media Coordinator
Promote Humanism in Malta
Express the Humanist Position on issues
Forum to exchange Ethical ideas
Propose Legislation
Develop the Moral basis of Secular society
Engage with other Humanist organisations
Develop Ethical Educational programmes
Collaborate with other VOs with similar objectives
Improve the Conditions of Humanity
Organise Talks and other Events
Engage in Activities that support the Principles of Humanism
Our Mission & Approach
Humanism is a democratic, secular and ethical life stance, which affirms that human beings have the right and responsibility to give meaning and shape to their own lives. It stands for the building of a more humane society through an ethic based on human and other natural values in the spirit of reason and free inquiry through human capabilities. It is not theistic, and it does not accept supernatural views of reality. The aims of the Association are to:
1. promote Humanism in Malta by encouraging a greater knowledge of Humanism among its members and the wider community;
2. elaborate, and express publicly, humanist positions on issues of concern;
3. provide a forum for the intelligent exchange of ideas for those seeking fulfilment in an ethical secular life;
4. propose such legislation as is likely to facilitate the achievement of its aims;
5. help develop, through open discussion, the moral basis of a secular society and encourage ethical practices within our own membership and the wider community;
6. engage with national and international humanist organisations, thereby providing its members with information and access to a wider world of humanist interest and cooperation.
7. help develop educational programmes and internet content focusing on secular ethics, science, history and critical thinking for members, their children, and the public at large as alternatives to supernatural
interpretations of the human condition;
8. collaborate with other voluntary organisations in Malta, Europe and elsewhere which have an interest in developing and achieving similar objectives;
9. take action within Malta, and in the world at large, to improve the conditions of humanity and denounce bigotry, intolerance, and the persecution of ideas;
10. organise talks and other events for humanists and the wider community;
11. engage in any other activities which are consistent with the principles of Humanism, including support to Humanist celebrants, and Humanist pastoral care.
Frequently Asked Questions
What ceremonies does HM offer?
- Baby namings
- Weddings/Renewal of vows
- Funerals/Memorials
- Custom ceremonies
Can I find support from HM?
- General spiritual support
- Support for those leaving religion
- Supporting those whose loved ones are leaving religion
How can I learn more about Humanism?
Can I join or volunteer?
To become a member please click here
Volunteers are very welcome!
What is the situation in Malta regarding end of life?
- At the time of writing, Maltese law doesn’t have provisions for a biological will. However, we provide an example here should you wish to express similar wishes.
- What happens after death is at the discretion of your next of kin. However, one can express his/her wishes of donating the body for research or organs for transplantation.
Your Donations Make a HUGE Impact
- Campaigns 82%
- Research & Development 10%
- Management 6%
- Organization Growth 2%
- Campaigns 74%
- Research & Development 12%
- Management 10%
- Organization Growth 4%
- Campaigns 84%
- Research & Development 14%
- Management 6%
- Organization Growth 2%
- Campaigns 80%
- Research & Development 15%
- Management 5%
- Organization Growth 0%