Constitution Consultation
Secularism is not about the imposition of atheism or agnosticism, but rather calls for the separation of church and state, and equal treatment for all. We question why Catholic principles should be given legal precedence in our Constitution. Read more here
Voice For Choice Coalition
We are part of the Voice for Choice coalition. We do not promote abortion, but support women’s bodily autonomy and right to choose. Read more here
Assisted Dying
“These are not easy decisions but in the meantime, people with genuine cases are requesting euthanasia to end their suffering. The lack of this right is tantamount to torture for these people.”
“To protect the dignity and autonomy of the patient, the law needs to be precise and unambiguous – safeguarding the wellbeing of the patient and precluding the possibility of abuse.” Read more here
Body Donation
Humanists Malta fully supports and encourages the donation of bodies for the education of health professionals, and for scientific research. Read more here
Living Wills
Living Wills would enable competent adults to give instructions about the medical care which they consent to, or reject, if they are unable to make or communicate decisions at the relevant time. (They would not, of course, allow for requests for any treatment, such as assisted dying, which are contrary to law.) Read more here
Sex Education
Adolescents in Malta are sorely underinformed about safe sex and sexual health. We strongly believe that far more, unbiased and scientifically-based, sex education programmes are needed urgently in our schools. We are currently seeking funding to start a project on this.
The Future of the Humanist Movement in Malta
This article - download as PDF - was first published in SHARE magazine by Philosophy Sharing Malta. The future of the humanist movement in Malta Context Following several years of doubts, I still remember the early days when I had decided to move away from religion in...
2024 End of Year Update
Here is our full update for 2024! presentation
2024 – Q3 update
Kindly find the slideshow with updates from Q3 available: here
UN Special Rapporteur
Respecting, Protecting and Fulfilling the Right to Freedom of Thought
The Malta Humanist Association has been asked to provide a written report to the UN Special Rapporteur on Respecting, Protecting and Fulfilling the Right to Freedom of Thought on the situation in Malta. Here is our submitted contribution.
Assisted Dying
“These are not easy decisions but in the meantime, people with genuine cases are requesting euthanasia to end their suffering. The lack of this right is tantamount to torture for these people.”
“To protect the dignity and autonomy of the patient, the law needs to be precise and unambiguous – safeguarding the wellbeing of the patient and precluding the possibility of abuse.”
Call for Consultation on Reform
Our Opinion on the Maltese Constitution
The Malta Humanist Association called on its members to share their thoughts on how the Constitution of Malta could be amended to make it more relevant to modern Maltese society. Much of the debate centred around Article 2 which provides the legal framework for the close relationship between State and Church. Read a summary of that debate representing the collective position of the MHA on the matter.
Call for Consultation to Legalise
Cremation Services Malta
Humanism is an ethical worldview beyond the belief in the supernatural, and as such, we value the legacy of our beloved deceased, and the legacy that we ourselves leave behind which we believe to be the only real afterlife there is. To quote Carl Sagan, “to live in the hearts we leave behind is to live forever.” This is why, for example, one of our main missions is to provide the service for humanist ceremonies to those who ask for it, provided by trained celebrants, to mark important milestones in our lives in a very meaningful way, including providing meaningful funeral ceremonies.
Education & Ethics
In 2012, the latest National Curriculum Framework, drafted upon national consultation, was published. The Malta Humanist Association participated in that consultation, suggesting that ethics be taught in schools from a secular and philosophical perspective. This suggestion was supported nationally even through teacher consultation and the teaching of ethics in schools not only became legally binding in the curriculum, but has also been implemented over the past 4 years. Teachers have been trained and 2018 was the first time that students sat for a MATSEC exam in Ethics.