International links

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As a member of Humanists International, we have found that increasing contacts with it, and some of its members, particularly those in Europe (living in widely varying circumstances) have been a source of encouragement, support, and information about international developments and advocacy which we could not monitor on our own.
In 2023 we:
– attended a Capacity Building and Networking project in Rome, organised by Humanists International, focused on furthering collaborations on professional services offered by Humanists around Europe;
– visited humanists in Berlin including two ethics classes, two youth centres, and a hospice;
– received a visit from colleagues in Norway to discuss humanist ceremonies;
– with Romanian and Bulgarian colleagues, started work on the ‘FAB’ project;
– agreed to share our experience with Romanian humanist celebrants who are just beginning to offer funeral/memorial services;
In 2024 we:
– joined the European Humanist Services Network, a partnership of 19 European member organisations of Humanists International wishing to make humanist services available for everyone who wants them;
– participated in a study visit to Oslo, hosted by Terram Pacis and funded by the ACF Malta Programme under the Bilateral Initiatives Fund. The aims of this opportunity were to empower youth representatives from Maltese NGOs through a comprehensive human rights education programme.
– continued our participation in the Erasmus+ ‘FAB’ project For a better future: Science and human rights education, which brought together partners from Malta, Romania, and Bulgaria to create a comprehensive training course aimed at enhancing youth understanding of the crucial relationship between science and human rights;
– participated in the ‘Journey with Labels’ training programme in collaboration with Associazione Vagamondo, in Italy, aiming to equip youth workers with the tools to understand and combat stereotypes, prejudices, and discrimination, especially as regards youngsters with migrant backgrounds.
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- Campaigns 82%
- Research & Development 10%
- Management 6%
- Organization Growth 2%
- Campaigns 74%
- Research & Development 12%
- Management 10%
- Organization Growth 4%
- Campaigns 84%
- Research & Development 14%
- Management 6%
- Organization Growth 2%
- Campaigns 80%
- Research & Development 15%
- Management 5%
- Organization Growth 0%