Material for Parents
Parents might sometimes wonder what could be relevant material to introduce Humanism to their children.
Below we provide some resources supplementing our page on what is humanism.
A Simple Introduction to Humanism
Based on a video by Humanists UK, we have worked on a Maltese version. narrated by Vanni Pule.
“Il-ħajja bħal biċċa spaga, għandha bidu u għandha tmiem. Imma matul it-triq nistgħu nagħmlu ħafna għażliet. Għandna l-libertà li nagħtu lil ħajjitna l-għamla li nixtiequ…”
There is also a version with Maltese narration and English subtitles on our Youtube channel.
The Complete Philosophy Files
A beautifully written and illustrated book by Stephen Law introducing a number of moral questions in a highly accessible way. Suggested age 9-11.