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✊🌍 Humanists Malta Joins Call to Suspend EU-Israel Agreement in Light of Ongoing Human Rights Violations📢 #humanrights #JusticeForAll #StandWithHumanity #HumanistsMalta #solidarity📣 Diversi organizzazzjonijiet sejħu lill-Ministru tal-Affarijiet Barranin, Dr Ian Borg, biex jieħu pożizzjoni ċara ta’ appoġġ għas-sospensjoni tal-Ftehim t’Assoċjazzjoni bejn l-UE u l-Iżrael fil-Laqgħa tal-UE bejn il-Ministri tal-Affarijiet Barranin fis-27 ta’ Jannar 2025. 🖊️ F’ittra indirizzata lill-Ministru tal-Affarijiet Barranin, l-organizzazzjonijiet enfasizzaw il-katastrofi li għaddejja fil-Palestina u ħeġġew biex dan il-Ftehim jiġi sospiż fil-kuntest tal-ksur kontinwu tad-drittijiet umani mill-Iżrael.🚨 L-organizzazzjonijiet enfasizzaw li l-okkupazzjoni tal-Iżrael, li ilha sejra għal għexieren ta’ snin, u l-politika tal-apartheid fil-Palestina huma ksur ċar tal-liġi internazzjonali. Dawn il-politiki laħqu l-qofol tagħhom fil-ġenoċidju f’Gaża, immarkat bil-qtil ta’ tifla jew tifel kull għaxar minuti, il-qtil mingħajr preċedent ta’ ġurnalisti, il-ħtif ta’ 450 ħaddiema mediċi, u l-ispostament ta’ kważi żewġ miljun persuna.⚠️ Il-Ġnus Magħquda, l-Amnesty International, u Human Rights Watch ukoll iddokumentaw ksur dejjem jiżdied tad-drittijiet umani fit-Territorji Palestinjani.📝 Il-Ftehim t’Assoċjazzjoni bejn l-UE u l Iżrael jorbot b’mod ċar ir-relazzjoni bejn il-partijiet mar-rispett lejn id-drittijiet umani u l-prinċipji demokratiċi, kif imniżżel fil-dispożizzjonijiet ta’ Artiklu 2. L-organizzazzjonijiet qalu li l-klawsola imsejħa “elementi essenzjali”, flimkien ma’ Artiklu 60 tal-Konvenzjoni ta’ Vjenna dwar il-Liġi tat-Trattati, tippermetti lill-UE biex tissospendi jew twaqqaf il-Ftehim minħabba dawn il-vjolazzjonijiet.❗Fl-ittra tagħhom, l-organizzazzjonijiet ħeġġew lill-Dr Borg biex jieħu pożizzjoni ċara favur is-sospensjoni tal-Ftehim, u enfasizzaw ir-responsabbiltà ta’ Malta li tħares il-liġi internazzjonali u d-drittijiet umani.🇬🇧 Read in English in comments below.Ġustizzja għall-Palestina | Moviment Graffitti | The Watermelon Warriors | Youth for Palestine | The Lebanese Advocates | KNŻ - Kunsill Nazzjonali taż-Żgħażagħ | The Daphne Caruana Galizia Foundation | aditus | Humanists Malta | Dance Beyond Borders | PEN Malta | Spark15 | Young Progressive Beings. | Blue Door Education
🌟 Reflecting on 2024, we’re so proud of everything Humanists Malta accomplished! 💛A heartfelt thank you to everyone who supported us and helped create a positive impact. Together, we’ve made a real difference!👉 Discover our 2024 highlights here:✨ Join us for the AGM and be part of the journey ahead! Find out more here: Here’s to making 2025 even more meaningful! 🌈✨#HumanistsMalta #ThankYou #CommunityMatters #MakingADifference #2024Highlights #AGM2025
🎉 Great News! Mubarak Bala Freed 🎉After almost four-and-a-half years of unjust detention in Nigeria, Mubarak Bala is finally free! ✨While we may take many freedoms for granted, Mubarak’s case shows how important it is to protect them. 🕊️ This release was possible thanks to Humanists International and the incredible teamwork of people around the world. 🌍Let’s keep working for those still unfairly imprisoned for their beliefs. As Andrew Copson said, “Their struggle is our struggle, and we will not stop until they too are free.” ✊Read more: ✋ #JusticeForMubarakBala ⚖️ #HumanistsInternational 🌟 #FreedomForAll
Nigeria: humanist leader freed at last
Humanist leader, Mubarak Bala finally released from prison more than 4 years after his arbitrary detention
🎄✨ Life is like a piece of string ✨🎄It has a beginning and an end, whether we like it or not. But along the way, we have countless choices that shape our journey. As we celebrate the festive season, let’s reflect on the choices we make and the meaning we create in our lives. 🌟Discover more about this life philosophy by visiting:🎁 Special thanks to Humanists UK for letting us adapt their video!Wishing you a joyful and meaningful festive season! 🎉❤️#HumanistsMalta #LifePhilosophy #FestiveGreetings #MeaningfulChoices
🌱 Whether you’re a parent or a teacher, you might wonder how best to introduce humanism to children and young people. 🧑🏫💬 We’ve made some valuable resources available to help guide these conversations. Check out our materials on Humanists Malta to get started: for parents: teachers:💬 Do you know of any other free resources that could benefit our community? Let us know so we can share them too! Together, we can build a supportive network of learning and understanding for our young ones. 🌍👨👩👧👦#Humanism #Education #ParentingResources #CommunitySupport #LearningTogether #ResourceSharing #BuildingBridges
We welcome the government's initiative to publish a White Paper on assisted dying next year, initiating a national debate on this important issue.Humanists Malta has been advocating for the legalisation of assisted dying for several years, emphasising the need for compassionate, patient-centred end-of-life choices. ❤️🩹🕊️As the discussion unfolds, we are prepared to contribute constructive, non-religious perspectives to ensure that any proposed legislation reflects the values of autonomy, dignity, and rational decision-making. 🙌💡 Our commitment is to engage in this debate with empathy and integrity, aiming to inform and persuade through evidence-based discourse. 📊🤝We encourage all stakeholders and members of the public to participate actively in the forthcoming consultation process, fostering a comprehensive and inclusive dialogue on the future of assisted dying in Malta. 🗣️🇲🇹Read more: #assisteddying #humanrights #HumanistsMalta #CompassionateChoices #endoflifecare #malta #dignityindying #EmpathyFirst
Euthanasia White Paper out next year
Parliamentary Secretary Rebecca Buttigieg will be publishing a White Paper to kick off a public consultation process on euthanasia in the new yearOur latest blog posts
2024 End of Year Update
Here is our full update for 2024! presentation
2024 – Q3 update
Kindly find the slideshow with updates from Q3 available: here
2024 – Q2 update
Kindly find the slideshow with updates from Q2 available: here
2024 – Q1 update
Kindly find the slideshow with updates from Q1 available: here
2023 End of Year Update
Here is our full update for 2023! presentation
Q3 Video Update
The presentation accompanying the video below can be accessed here